domingo, 18 de septiembre de 2022


 Casi lo primero que hicimos al llegar al cole después del verano fue darnos una vuelta por el patio y ¿QUÉ DESCUBRIMOS?

One of the first things we did when we arrived at the school after Summer holidays was to go for a stroll around the playground and .... WHAT DID WE FIND?


We asked for the weather "WHAT'S THE WEATHER LIKE?" and we soon found out that if it's sunny, our sunflower was "happy" and if it's cloudy, our sunflower was "sad".

Miramos al cielo y vimos qué tiempo hace Is it Sunny?, is it Cloudy?. Descubrimos que nuestro "sunflower is very sad because it is cloudy"

👀 We remembered "emotions" with this song: 

and we practised HAPPY, SAD and ANGRY faces in our EMOTION SELFIES 💓💓💓💓

👀  Can you now guess Daniel Tiger's feeling? ¿Podrías adivinar las emociones de Daniel Tiger?  Click HERE  to play.

We also noticed that the sunflower now is very very BIG but before it was very very LITTLE and we wanted to find out about the life of a sunflower.

Recordamos la diferencia entre BIG/LITTLE pero quisimos averiguar más sobre la vida de un "sunflower"


With Peep we learned seed, water, plant, sun.

Suddenly we looked at Amanda Panda and SURPRISE SURPRISE!! 

With Amanda's waterpot  we decided to 
become into little sunflowers that grow big and big thanks to water and sun. 

Con la regadera de Amanda decidimos convertirnos en pequeños girasoles ¡¡ que crecen y crecen !! gracias al agua y al sol.

Finally we did some table work. We coloured the "big sunflower"and stick 3 seeds on it.

Finalmente hicimos trabajo de mesa, coloreando el "big sunflower" y pegando 3 semillas dentro.

We also wrote the word "BIG" and learn about some words beginning with the letter B. Can you try it again?

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